SUNISO Refrigeration Oils



Suniso Refrigeration Oils are premium quality oils designed for use as refrigeration compressor lubricants. They are refined from specially selected naphthenic base crude oils. They mix well but not react with HCFC and natural refrigerants. They do not separate wax with resulting system plugging at normal low operating temperatures. Theae oils remain stable at the elevated temperatures in the compressor thus assuring long trouble free life. 

Suniso Refrigeration Oils have long history of satisfactory service in many type of equipment and are approved by most manufacturers for both factory fill and after sales services.


Suniso Refrigeration Oils can be used in virtually any installation regardless of compressor or evaporator temperatures for HCFC and natural refrigerants. It is ideally suited for residential and commercial refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Selection of correct grade of Suniso oils should be made in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.